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ConservaTibbs.com archives: 2004

Like a lamb to the slaughter -- Submitted to the New York Times, December 30th, 2004

Justice delayed is justice denied -- December 30, 2004

Racial profiling and the War on Terror -- December 29, 2004

The "faith based" charities program needs to be eliminated. -- December 28, 2004

Academic Bill of Rights in Indiana? -- December 22, 2004

Offensive SNL skit merits condemnation -- December 21st, 2004

We don't need government to police video games -- 12-20-2004

Let's ban the smoking ban -- 12-20-2004

The NBA should eliminate teams to improve the game -- 12-19-2004

Despite complaints, links will remain. -- 12-16-2004

More "politically correct" silliness -- 12-15-2004

Facts? Proof? Evidence? Not at the H-T. -- 12-14-2004

Human rights activists forgot something very important -- December 10, 2004

Eco-Terrorists on the march -- Hoosier Review, December 10th, 2004

Canterbury revisited -- 12-09-2004

Bush's margin of victory -- December 6, 2004

Medical marijuana: Not the federal government's business. -- Hoosier Review, December 05, 2004

Bernard Kerik a good choice for Homeland Security -- 12-04-2004

Christians must condemn divorce just as Jesus did -- Submitted to the Evansville Courier, November 24, 2004

Ban this fan! (More thoughts on the Pistons/Pacers brawl) -- 11-23-2004

More thoughts on the Pacers/Pistons brawl -- 11-22-2004

Pacers/Pistons brawl: Now what? -- Hoosier Review, November 22, 2004

Thoughts on the Pacers/Pistons brawl -- 11-21-2004

Depressed Democrats and election results -- 11-17-2004

Perspective needed in reporting on Iraq casualties -- 11-17-2004

Alfred Kinsey personifies evil -- 11-16-2004

The Herald-Times and Kinsey coverage -- Hoosier Review, November 15, 2004

The Left just doesn't get it. -- 11-11-2004

"Pharmacist's Conscience" revisited -- 11-11-2004

Should we eliminate the "straight ticket" option? -- 11-10-2004

How many Columbines will it take? -- 11-09-2004

Is it evangelism or pride? -- 11-09-2004

The al-Jazeera Herald-Times should be ashamed -- Herald-Times, November 8, 2004

Arlen Specter should not chair the Senate Judiciary Committee -- 11-06-2004

President McCain? May it never be. -- 11-06-2004

Protecting the integrity of the electoral process -- 11-01-2004

Review of "Walking Tall" -- October 31, 2004

Baron Hill is a Communist -- 10-30-2004

The Herald-Times is at war with the truth -- 10-28-2004

The City Council should respect people of faith -- 10-28-2004

More laziness from the Herald-Times -- 10-27-2004

"Why do you support terrorism?" -- 10-25-2004

Leftist terrorists assault Ann Coulter -- 10-23-2004

Mike Leonard distorts U.S. Rep John Hostettler's record --10-15-2004

Democrats exploit tragedy for political gain -- Hoosier Review, October 18, 2004

Is baptism required for salvation? -- 10-09-2004

Vote Libertarian in District 61 -- Herald-Times, October 8, 2004

Abortion in the news -- 10-07-2004

Collected thoughts on the Bush/Kerry debates -- 10-07-2004

The culture of death claims a "hospital" as an ally -- 10-05-2004

Brazen lies from Democrats on the draft -- 10-04-2004

City Council votes against I-69 -- Hoosier Review, September 29, 2004

Get your rights right -- Indiana Daily Student, September 28, 2004

The Herald-Times: Inept as always -- 09-21-2004

Kerry's mistake with the Swift Boat Vets -- 09-19-2004

Realities of American politics -- September 14, 2004

Sherwood Oaks should carefully consider content of advertisements -- September 14, 2004

Mitch Daniels irritates Hoosier conservatives with meeting -- September 9, 2004

Paul Hager supported for State Representative -- Herald-Times, September 9, 2004

Kerry flip-flops again on Iraq war -- September 8, 2004

Reactions to the Republican National Convention -- Hoosier Review, September 6th, 2004

The face of evil revealed in Russia -- September 05, 2004

President Bush tests the patience of free speech advocates -- September 02, 2004

Vote Libertarian in District 61 State Representative race -- August 29, 2004

"campaign finance reform" goes too far -- August 23, 2004

Watching the convention protesters -- August 18, 2004

Why I support corporal punishment -- August 16, 2004

Indiana University must not infringe on First Amendment rights -- Hoosier Review, August 14th, 2004

Review of "Aliens vs. Predator" (spoilers included) -- August 14, 2004

Eliminate funding for BEDC -- August 11, 2004

The tax code should not silence free speech -- Hoosier Review, August 9th, 2004

President Reagan's legacy abused on stem-cell research -- Herald-Times, August 8, 2004

An alternate path to protecting marriage -- Hoosier Review, July 19th, 2004

"Confessions" remix sends disturbing misogynistic message -- July 16, 2004

Which story should have made the front page? -- July 10, 2004

Prayer at County Council meetings? -- July 08, 2004

Against city funding for Planned Parenthood -- Herald-Times, July 8, 2004

Ban smoking in people's homes? -- July 02, 2004

Reviewing Clinton's Presidency -- Hoosier Review, July 1st, 2004

Picking and choosing -- June 28, 2004

Clinton should stop whining -- June 20, 2004

City Council gives $$ to Planned Parenthood -- June 19, 2004

Why I do not follow the "11th Commandment -- June 19, 2004

Christians and government schools -- June 17, 2004

Los Angeles could be illegal -- June 15, 2004

Helmet law should not be passed -- June 11, 2004

Planned Parenthood's grant request represents cynical politics -- June 08, 2004

Thoughts on the 2004 NBA Finals -- June 7, 2004

No communion for the "rainbow sash" activists -- June 07, 2004

President Reagan passes away -- June 06, 2004

The low carb people have taken over the world -- June 02, 2004

Where is the courage of your convictions? -- Hoosier Review, June 1st, 2004

Libertarians shame GOP and Democrats on public financing -- May 29, 2004

Chris Sturbaum should recuse himself from the Planned Parenthood funding vote -- May 23, 2004

The Solid Waste board tries to pass the buck -- May , 2004

Anti-Discrimination laws and religious freedom -- May 21, 2004

Say no to the "bailout fee" -- Indiana Daily Student, May 20, 2004

Man's sinfulness is the heart of the Gospel -- May 13, 2004

The Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal -- May 13, 2004

The MCCSC School Board must show greater respect for taxpayers -- May 10, 2004

No tax money for Planned Parenthood, part II -- May 08, 2004

Stop divisive subsidy -- Herald-Times, May 07, 2004

No to tax money for Planned Parenthood -- Hoosier Review, May 6th, 2004

Thoughts on the primary election -- May 05, 2004

Eliminating public comment? -- April 20, 2004

Reject to the "bailout fee" -- Hoosier Review, April 3rd, 2004

I don't understand -- March 31, 2004

You don't lose your rights at the schoolhouse door -- March 23, 2004

Thoughts on the killing of Ahmed Yassin -- March 22, 2004

Humans are superior to animals -- March 20, 2004

More on "The Passion" -- March 18, 2004

Is Scott Wells being persecuted again? -- March 19, 2004

I'll home school my children, thanks. -- March 18, 2004

Say no to the CDBG funds -- March 17, 2004

Gridlock is good -- Hoosier Review, March 17th, 2004

The terrorists won in Spain's elections -- March 15, 2004

Free speech is not harmful -- March 12, 2004

Keep power with the states -- Herald-Times, March 12, 2004

John Allen Muhammad needs to be executed -- March 10th, 2004

More on the "Unborn Victims of Violence Act -- March 10th, 2004

Sick and depraved Leftists disrespect the dead -- March 7, 2004

It's the policy, not the process -- March 7th, 2004

Is vandalism of SUV's the work of terrorists? -- March 7th, 2004

Should 9/11 be used in political ads? -- March 6th, 2004

Another Leftist attack on free speech -- March 4th, 2004

Brostoff's departure leaves no void in GOP -- March 1st, 2004

Is watching "The Passion" a sin? -- Hoosier Review, March 1, 2004

Good riddance to Brostoff -- March 1st, 2004

Thoughts on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act -- February 29, 2004

Bush right to support Federal Marriage Amendment -- February 26, 2004

Bias in academia a concern -- Hoosier Review, February 26, 2004

Misplaced priorities obvious in animal killings -- February 22, 2004

Kerry not a "war hero" to many Vietnam veterans -- February 20, 2004

John Kerry sex scandal? -- Hoosier Review, February 17, 2004

Google and CBS have the right to reject ads -- February 15, 2004

The myth of "animal rights," Part II -- February 12, 2004

The myth of "animal rights," Part I -- February 10, 2004

Let the church build -- Herald-Times, February 09, 2004

John Kerry an easy target for the GOP, Part II -- February 09, 2004

John Kerry an easy target for the GOP, Part I -- February 06, 2004

Welch is right on homosexual marriage -- February 6, 2004

Report on the 2004 Rally for Life -- January 30, 2004

Pictures from the 2004 Rally for Life -- January 22, 2004

The H-T weighs in on "hateful" message board posts -- Hoosier Review, January 19, 2004

The limestone billboard is gone -- January 15th, 2004

Talk about "much ado over nothing" -- January 12, 2004

Political correctness claims another victim -- blog post, January 9th, 2004

Christians should demand respect for life -- Herald-Times, January 8th, 2004

The NRA "anti-gun celebrities" list -- blog post, January 6th, 2004

The emotional push to ban flag-burning -- Hoosier Review, January 5, 2004

Republicans in Name Only Part II: The H-T misses the point -- January 4, 2004