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ConservaTibbs.com archives: 2007

Misconceptions about capital punishment -- December 30, 2007

A shocking ruling in Anderson -- December 28, 2007

The humble beginnings of Jesus Christ -- December 26, 2007

A savage beating raises questions of race -- December 21, 2007

Why punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty? -- December 19, 2007

Dishonesty is no way to govern -- December 18, 2007

Santa Claus joins Homeland Security -- December 13, 2007

Huckabee on AIDS -- December 12, 2007

Animal welfare and our role as stewards of God's creation -- December 11, 2007

If Baron Hill has a solution, then let's hear it -- Indianapolis Star, December 8, 2007

Argue with reason, not emotion. -- December 7, 2007

"Hate Crime" legislation before the Senate -- December 06, 2007

Vigilantism or self-defense? -- December 04, 2007

Tasers and torture -- December 03, 2007

Lessons of Achan's sin -- November 28, 2007

Ironic picture undermines flag desecration amendment -- Bloomington Herald-Times, November 28, 2007

More on the Dalai Lama's visit to Bloomington -- November 27, 2007

A critical Second Amendment case -- November 26, 2007

Blackwater: mercenaries gone wild? -- November 24, 2007

More on the Westboro Baptist "Church" ruling -- November 20, 2007

The fatal shooting of a man armed with a hairbrush -- November 19, 2007

A laughable overreaction -- November 16, 2007

Giuliani's "moderate" stances make him unelectable -- November 14, 2007

Manhunt 2: will the gameplay sink it? -- November 11, 2007

Justice, not convictions, must always be the goal -- November 8, 2007

2007 Election results -- November 7, 2007

A dangerous challenge to free speech -- November 6, 2007

Responding to two letters to the editor -- November 5, 2007

False reports of rape do happen -- Bloomington Herald-Times, November 1, 2007

Discouraging participation in the political process -- October 30, 2007

Reforming Indiana’s property tax system -- October 29, 2007

Random Thoughts -- October 26, 2007

St. Paul Catholic Center denies Jesus Christ -- October 25, 2007

False allegations of rape -- October 22, 2007

City of Bloomington elevates Buddhism over Christianity -- October 19, 2007

What to do with the Kurds in northern Iraq? -- October 18, 2007

Kelvin Sampson should be terminated. -- October 16, 2007

Congress should not create needless conflict -- October 15, 2007

Take Back the Night 2007 -- October 10, 2007

H-T coverage unfair to Democrats -- October 9, 2007

Random Thoughts -- October 8, 2007

An open letter to Isabel Piedmont: show leadership on civility -- October 5, 2007

I won’t vote for Giuliani or McCain -- October 4, 2007

Ban smoking in private vehicles? -- October 3, 2007

More lies from Brodhead the Blockhead -- October 2, 2007

Freedom of association and the role of government -- October 1, 2007

Police acted properly in using Taser on disruptive student -- September 28, 2007

Mayor Kruzan should step up -- Bloomington Herald-Times, September 25, 2007

A truly shocking experience at the University of Florida -- September 24, 2007

Barney Frank’s bill should be rejected: an open letter to Baron Hill -- -- September 21, 2007

2007 Fall Rally for Life -- September 17, 2007

An open letter to the Friday lunch mole -- September 15, 2007

County Commissioners should reject the new smoking ban -- September 12, 2007

Reflections on 9/11 "truth" -- September 12, 2007

Random Thoughts -- September 11, 2007

The Pedigo Bay fire was an arson. That is a fact. -- September 7, 2007

2007 Fall Rally for Life -- Indiana Daily Student, September 6, 2007

An immense waste of money -- September 6, 2007

Follow-up to my open letter to Mayor Kruzan -- August 31, 2007

"Hate Incidents" and I-69 -- August 29, 2007

Leftists try to hide the facts about I-69 meeting -- August 27, 2007

Mark Kruzan should show leadership on civility -- August 24, 2007

Sabbagh supported for Mayor -- Bloomington Herald-Times, August 23, 2007

I-69 meeting degenerates into farce -- August 21, 2007

Why I am voting for David Sabbagh -- August 17, 2007

Kia Vaughn’s cynical grab for cash -- August 16, 2007

If there is a problem, fix it. Just stop whining. -- August 14, 2007

Former pro wrestler Brian Adams found dead -- August 13, 2007

What do people think about I-69? -- August 9, 2007

Dress codes are not unconstitutional -- August 8, 2007

Verify the Vote -- August 6, 2007

Leaving children in automobiles -- August 2, 2007

Wrongful death lawsuits -- August 1, 2007

Mike Nifong is a Rapist -- July 31, 2007

Is all violence wrong? -- July 27, 2007

Michael Vick is a sick, depraved monster -- July 25, 2007

The "Fairness Doctrine" is un-American -- July 23, 2007

Race-Baiting and Terrorism: responding to four letters in the IDS -- July 20, 2007

Ann Coulter vs. John Edwards -- July 19, 2007

Hippies vandalize One City Center -- July 17, 2007

Brad Ellsworth’s pro-abortion vote -- July 16, 2007

The “In God we Trust” license plate -- July 5, 2007

Mark Kruzan commits treason -- July 2, 2007

"Boom cars" and "Choice" trucks -- June 29, 2007

Chris Benoit murders his family, kills himself -- June 27, 2007

Respecting the taxpayer -- June 25, 2007

Zaltsberg's ethical standards are unacceptable -- June 19, 2007

Planned Parenthood’s request for corporate welfare -- June 18, 2007

Why can't the media get basic facts right? -- June 12, 2007

An alternative to tax funds for Planned Parenthood -- Herald-Times, June 12, 2007

Candace Gingrich speaks in Bloomington for "hate crime" legislation -- June 8, 2007

The nature of government -- June 6, 2007

“Should parents throw teen drinking parties?” -- June 6, 2007

Free speech in the military -- June 4, 2007

Kruzan taking a conservative position on Finelight garage -- June 3, 2007

Greg Travis tries to move the goalposts -- May 31, 2007

McCain and Giuliani disqualified -- May 30, 2007

Denying Christ, Part II -- May 29, 2007

An irrational prejudice against pit bulls -- May 25, 2007

MySpace and sex offender data -- May 23, 2007

Anonymity is not a sin. -- May 17, 2007

Local Christian ministers deny Christ -- Indiana Daily Student, May 17, 2007

Why does a murderer have freedom of speech? -- May 16, 2007

City Council should not fund Planned Parenthood -- Herald-Times, May 15, 2007

Is greed the root of all evil? -- May 14, 2007

Private property rights trump free speech rights -- May 12, 2007

Evil is real, Part II -- May 10, 2007

Evil is real. -- May 7, 2007

Spider-Man is dead. (Review of Spider-Man 3 with SPOILERS) -- May 6, 2007

Reverse sexism? -- May 2, 2007

Planned Parenthood’s latest request for corporate welfare -- May 1, 2007

What would Jesus do, Andrew? -- April 27, 2007

The NBA playoff bracket makes no sense. -- April 23, 2007

A very irresponsible article in the IDS. -- April 20, 2007

An uncivil and dishonest attack on Chris Gaal -- April 19, 2007

The H-T's hypocritical KKK coverage -- Herald-Times, April 17, 2007

More on the Don Imus controversy -- April 15, 2007

Duke Lacrosse Team exonerated -- April 13, 2007

Another manufactured crisis -- April 10, 2007

The Ku Klux Klan is coming to Bloomington -- April 9, 2007

Saw 3 review (spoilers included) -- April 8, 2007

Reasonable limits on free speech -- April 6, 2007

Five Democrats kill ban on state recognition of homosexual marriage -- April 5, 2007

Conservatives are having children! The horror! -- March 30, 2007

Jesus was not a vegetarian. -- March 27, 2007

The Herald-Times makes me sick. -- March 26, 2007

Unwarranted censorship? -- March 23, 2007

St. Charles controversy should have been handled internally -- Herald-Times, March 20, 2007

Bong hits for Jesus? -- March 20, 2007

Early detection of cancer is helpful -- March 18, 2007

The MCCSC sex survey is back -- March 16, 2007

Mr. Newt's affair -- March 14, 2007

Treason at San Francisco State -- March 13, 2007

Responsible dog ownership -- March 10, 2007

Scientific fact is not religious dogma -- March 8, 2007

Scientific fact is not religious dogma -- Open letter to State Senator Vi Simpson, March 7, 2007

2006 Recount Contest and Republican politics -- March 5, 2007

Funding social service agencies -- March 1, 2007

The HPV vaccine is good but should not be mandatory. -- February 28, 2007

The 2007 CDBG funding process -- Open letter to the Bloomington City Council, February 28, 2007

Faith based hypocrisy -- February 27, 2007

Where was the coverage of the 2007 Rally for Life? -- Herald-Times, February 22, 2007

St. Charles School -- February 19, 2007

Please tell the truth. -- February 17, 2007

Ban the Boom? -- February 15, 2007

Indiana Democratic Party spokeswoman attacks Indianapolis Colts coach -- February 14, 2007

Debate, don't censor -- February 13, 2007

More on the fabricated charges of "rape" at Duke -- February 12, 2007

Our trip to Europe -- February 8, 2007

Where is Baron on the "Fairness Doctrine"? -- January 27, 2007

Are calls for "party unity" divisive? -- January 27, 2007

My hypocrisy on abortion photos -- January 26, 2007

Nanny state ninnies at it again -- January 23, 2007

The 2007 Rally for Life -- January 21, 2007

Is it time to "cut and run"? -- January 20, 2007

Graphic abortion photos -- January 18, 2007

Education is not a waste, so don't waste it. -- January 17, 2007

Show support for life -- Herald-Times, January 15, 2007

Mike Nifong is a Rapist, Part II -- January 9, 2007

Grab your wallet, the Democrats are in power -- January 8, 2007

Poor judgment by the H-T -- January 6, 2007

Fifteen years? Has it been that long? -- January 1, 2007