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ConservaTibbs.com archives: 2008

The truth about the Woodburn Mural -- December 29, 2008

The beauty of Christmas -- December 24, 2008

Friends don't let friends text and drive -- December 23, 2008

The so-called "War on Christmas" -- December 22, 2008

Live Action Films sting follow-up -- December 20, 2008

The irony of the "anti-choice" description in Ms. Magazine -- December 19, 2008

Random Thoughts of the Day -- December 17, 2008

Indiana legislature should vote to protect marriage -- Bloomington Herald-Times, December 15, 2008

More on the sex abuse scandal at Planned Parenthood -- December 11, 2008

Obama's birth certificate -- December 10, 2008

Live Action Films performed a valuable service by exposing Planned Parenthood -- December 9, 2008

Bloomington should stop subsidizing Planned Parenthood -- December 8, 2008

Sex abuse scandal rocks Bloomington Planned Parenthood -- December 5, 2008

Consumerism gone mad turns fatal -- December 4, 2008

Should government subsidize social service agencies? -- December 2, 2008

Planned Parenthood seeks corporate welfare from county government -- November 29, 2008

MySpace hoax was sick and depraved, but was it a crime? -- November 26, 2008

How to train your dog -- November 25, 2008

Addressing racism and refuting ignorance -- November 21, 2008

Interracial marriage vs. homosexual marriage -- November 20, 2008

Time to lift the ban on Sunday alcohol sales -- November 19, 2008

The case against homosexual marriage -- November 18, 2008

Obama does not get a free pass just because he won the election. -- November 17, 2008

Monroe County Republicans must take the student vote seriously -- November 14, 2008

County government meeting times should change -- Bloomington Herald-Times, November 13, 2008

Republicans must embrace limited government again -- November 12, 2008

How can Christians not stand against mass murder? -- November 11, 2008

Sarah Palin, social conservatives and the Republican Party -- November 10, 2008

Monroe County Republicans: Now what? -- November 8, 2008

California votes to ban homosexual marriage -- November 7, 2008

President Barack Obama wins Indiana -- November 5, 2008

Criticism of Daniels/Skillman uninformed, Part II -- November 4, 2008

Vote or Die! -- October 31, 2008

IDS criticism of Daniels/Skillman uninformed -- Indiana Daily Student, October 30, 2008

Term limits steal choice from voters -- October 29, 2008

God's plan of salvation -- October 27, 2008

Crystal Gail Mangum is a rapist -- October 24, 2008

When racism meets stupidity -- October 23, 2008

Microsoft Office 2007 -- October 22, 2008

Life Chain brings a response in the Herald-Times -- October 21, 2008

County meeting times discourage public participation -- October 17, 2008

Articulating the philosophy of conservatism -- October 16, 2008

Where do our rights come from? (Part II) -- October 15, 2008

Mike Sodrel getting things done for us -- Herald-Times, October 13, 2008

National Rifle Association works against Second Amendment rights -- October 10, 2008

Instability in the financial markets, corporate welfare and shameless race-baiting -- October 9, 2008

Take the politicians off welfare -- October 7, 2008

The 2008 Life Chain -- October 6, 2008

Anti-abortion rhetoric: Sometimes the truth hurts -- October 2, 2008

Take Back the Night 2008 -- October 1, 2008

From the annoying to the illegal and dangerous -- September 30, 2008

Limited exceptions do not invalidate a general truth -- September 29, 2008

False allegations of rape -- September 26, 2008

Irresponsible event encourages immorality -- September 24, 2008

Cute Picture of The Day -- September 23, 2008

Sodrel, not Schansberg, is the choice for limited government -- September 22, 2008

Save the date: 2008 Life Chain -- September 19, 2008

Where do our rights come from? -- Indiana Daily Student, September 19, 2008

A case study in the need for local government reform -- September 18, 2008

"Throwing your vote away"? -- September 17, 2008

Would conservatives vote for Barney Frank? -- September 16, 2008

Why is not killing your child "admirable"? -- September 15, 2008

NRLC addresses Obama’s distortions on "born alive" law -- September 13, 2008

Whining about Obama's lipstick comment damages Republicans -- September 12, 2008

Housekeeping issues: the links page -- September 11, 2008

Barack Obama's defense of infanticide revisited -- Bloomington Herald-Times, September 10, 2008

Smears against McCain go too far -- September 9, 2008

Will Obama's record on infanticide sink Democrats? -- September 6, 2008

Obama's supporters display hypocrisy on infanticide -- September 5, 2008

I am a Republican, but I cannot support John McCain -- September 3, 2008

Racism, Obama, and the 2008 campaign -- September 2, 2008

Cute picture of the day -- September 1, 2008

Time to take a deep breath on the Russia/Georgia conflict? -- August 29, 2008

Monroe County GOP to replace Andy Dodds tonight -- August 28, 2008

Time to lower the drinking age? -- August 27, 2008

More on the Leftist "bait and switch" regarding the Obama infanticide scandal -- August 25, 2008

Fact: Barack Obama voted against banning infanticide -- August 24, 2008


Congress should not micromanage criminal justice in the states -- August 21, 2008

Can John McCain be trusted to nominate good judges? -- August 20, 2008

Will we never learn the lessons of Columbine? -- August 19, 2008

"This election is about Barack Obama." -- August 15, 2008

Jose Medellin is dead, and the world is a better place. -- August 14, 2008


Questioning Baron Hill's endorsement of Obama -- Bloomington Herald-Times, August 11, 2008

Baron Hill says killing newborns is just "one issue" -- August 8, 2008

"Animal rights" jihadists attempt to kill California scientist -- August 7, 2008

Don't restrict free speech in the name of "reform" -- August 6, 2008

"Dusting" does not require more Nanny State! -- August 5, 2008

Nakea Vincent should be fired -- August 4, 2008

Consistently defending the unborn -- August 2, 2008

City Council dives into foreign policy again -- July 31, 2008

The death of Spencer's "town dog" -- July 30, 2008

Meat is not murder -- July 29, 2008

More on corporate welfare for Planned Parenthood -- July 24, 2008

More on the threatened $95,000 fine for two balloons -- July 23, 2008

The primary authority in the Church -- July 22, 2008

Batman: The Dark Knight -- July 21, 2008

Political correctness and the feminization of discourse -- July 18, 2008

Remove OTT from the local Republican Party? -- July 17, 2008

We do not need Soviet-style laws to fight illegal imigration -- July 16, 2008

When hatred pretends to be "tolerance", Part II -- July 15, 2008

What is the most important issue in 2008? -- July 11, 2008

Sturbaum should have recused himself from Planned Parenthood vote -- July 10, 2008

Faith based charities: See, I told you so! -- July 10, 2008

Reactions to the anti-abortion message -- July 9, 2008

Common pro-abortion fallacies -- July 7, 2008

Where is Baron on the Fairness Doctrine? -- July 3, 2008

A $95,200 fine -- for this? -- July 2, 2008

Barack Obama's middle name -- July 1, 2008

Protesting I-69 is fine, but uncivil behavior is not. -- June 30, 2008

Democrat state representative promises to mentally abuse children -- June 27, 2008

When hatred pretends to be "tolerance" -- June 26, 2008

Appropriate and effective methiods of political speech, part II -- June 25, 2008

Move reports to the end of City Council meetings -- June 23, 2008

Billion-dollar corporation gets corporate welfare from Bloomington City Council -- June 20, 2008

Appropriate and effective methods of political speech -- June 18, 2008

Another unethical vote-buying scheme from Indiana Democrats -- June 17, 2008

Random thoughts of the day -- June 13, 2008

End the quagmire in Iraq -- Bloomington Herald-Times, June 11, 2008

Nuclear energy more important than ever -- June 10, 2008

Four lessons in basic logic -- June 9, 2008

Barack Obama should not offer the VP spot to Hillary Clinton -- June 5, 2008

Lakers vs. Celtics: NBA comes full circle -- June 4, 2008

Denying historical fact weakens anti-war arguments -- May 30, 2008

Hillary Clinton's arrogance, whining and selfishness -- May 28, 2008

Taking the easy way out -- May 27, 2008

"Junkie" taunts discredit attackers, not Limbaugh -- May 23, 2008

Just say "no" to random drug tests. -- May 21, 2008

Interactive content providers not liable for damages -- May 20, 2008

Random thoughts of the day -- May 16, 2008

Deny Planned Parenthood's funding request -- Bloomington Herald-Times, May 14, 2008

More on interlock devices -- May 13, 2008

Ignition interlocks: more "big brother" coming? -- May 12, 2008

Saving the Monroe County GOP -- May 9, 2008

Obama's Shameless race-baiting -- May 8, 2008

Thoughts on the 2008 primary election -- May 7, 2008

More thoughts on crossover voting -- May 6, 2008

Time to end the city's subsidies to Planned Parenthood -- May 5, 2008

Murderers should be punished for committing murder -- May 4, 2008

Should we dismiss Rev. Jeremiah Wright out of hand? -- May 2, 2008

In defense of negative campaigning -- May 1, 2008

Limbaugh goes too far with riot comments -- April 29, 2008

Christians should not be forced to fund a celebration of sin -- April 28, 2008

A huge punishment for Kilroy's on Kirkwood -- April 25, 2008

No "unnecessary foreign wars" under Clinton? -- April 24, 2008

Frank Andrew steps down as chair of local GOP -- April 22, 2008

Pro-abortion Catholic legislatiors simply don't get it. -- April 21, 2008

The Waco massacre, 15 years later: Never again! -- April 18, 2008

What responsibility does the victim bear? -- April 17, 2008

John McCain says the rules are for everyone but him -- April 15, 2008

Bosnia flap a reminder of Clinton character issues -- April 14, 2008

Remembering Waco, 15 years later -- April 11, 2008

Random Thoughts of the Day -- April 10, 2008

Pre-empting justice -- April 8, 2008

Rush the vote? -- April 5, 2008

Random Thoughts of the Day -- April 3, 2008

The "health and wealth gospel" is a wicked heresy -- April 1, 2008

Deuteronomy 23:1, more deeply examined -- March 31, 2008

Skewed priorities on Olympics protest -- March 28, 2008

Nano gets busted! -- March 27, 2008

IUPUI attacks education, demeans learning -- March 25, 2008

More thoughts on the Iraq war -- March 24, 2008

Cancer: 11 years later -- March 21, 2008

Anti-war activists protest 5 years of Iraq War -- March 20, 2008

Sodrel speaks on campus -- March 18, 2008

No, we do not all worship the same god. -- March 17, 2008

Anonymous posting to be illegal? -- March 15, 2008

Vacation homes and county land use policy -- March 14, 2008

Let's ban the smoking ban -- March 13, 2008

Christians and government schools -- March 12, 2008

Christians must be faithful to Scripture -- Bloomington Herald-Times, March 11, 2008.

Herald-Times presents facts, but obscures truth -- March 06, 2008

"Bring Back Bobby" harms no one. -- March 5, 2008

Nitpicking is not a substitute for sound argumentation -- March 3, 2008

Should government decide which charities citizens will support? -- February 29, 2008

The shallow thinking of the "judge not" crowd -- February 28, 2008

Christians and politics -- February 27, 2008

2008 primary races set -- February 25, 2008

I am a libertarian, not an anarchist. -- February 21, 2008

Vote for Tibbs in 2008 -- February 20, 2008

Referendums, taxes and direct democracy -- February 19, 2008

Literalism and the application of it -- February 18, 2008

Public health trumps political correctness -- February 14, 2008

Reform the presidential primary system -- February 13, 2008

Poverty and perspective -- February 11, 2008

Romney drops out: now what? -- February 8, 2008

The terrorists win again -- February 7, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama on abortion -- February 5, 2008

Nominating McCain will seriously wound the Republican Party -- February 4, 2008

A tale of two speeches -- Bloomington Herald-Times, February 3, 2008

Random thoughts of the day -- February 2, 2008

About those obscene chants -- January 31, 2008

The 2008 Rally for Life: Follow Up -- January 30, 2008

A bad decision by the H-T -- January 28, 2008

Cute picture of the day -- January 25, 2008

Off the record? That's just silly. -- January 24, 2008

Mitt Romney for President -- January 23, 2008

God's law should always trump man's law -- January 22, 2008

The 2008 Rally for Life -- January 21, 2008

Michael Newton's misinterpretion of the Bible -- January 18, 2008

Murdering an innocent is not justice -- January 17, 2008

Random thoughts of the day -- January 16, 2008

Jack Thompson's jihad against video games -- January 14, 2008

Our Founding Fathers: Deists or Devoted? -- January 11, 2008

Abolish township government? -- January 10, 2008

2008 Rally for Life: show support for human rights -- Bloomington Herald-Times, January 8, 2008

Huckabee's big win in Iowa -- January 7, 2008

A purge of the local GOP? -- January 4, 2008

Basic parenting skills -- January 03, 2008

The "nonpartisanhip" scam -- January 02, 2008