By Scott Tibbs, August 2, 2008
As I was manning the Christian Citizens for Life booth at the Monroe County fair
last weekend, I was thinking about the blood on our nation's hands as over a million human lives
are snuffed out every single year. People drive by Planned Parenthood in downtown Bloomington each
Thursday oblivious to the murders committed inside those walls. At what point does society say "no
more"? More to the point, when will the people of God demand that babies created in His image be
protected under the law?
One of the favorite tactics of those who defend "abortion rights" is to criticize
abortion opponents for lack of "consistency" in opposing war or capital punishment. Those matters
have their own arguments and those who oppose abortion take legitimate stances on both sides, but
ultimately they are separate issues. But here is a sobering fact: The number of Americans killed
in all of our nation's wars combined since 1900 do not come close to the number of American
children killed by our abortion industry in one single year.
One matter of life and death that many Christians wish to sweep under the rug is
the death of human beings caused by chemical birth control. It is a scientific fact that life
begins at fertilization. When sperm and egg join, a new human being is created. From that point
forward, all that is needed is shelter and nutrition, and that life will grow and develop through
the various stages of life. But chemical birth control can kill that new life by preventing the
embryo from implanting in the uterus, denying the nutrition needed to survive.
As expected, Planned Parenthood (America's #1 abortion provider) tries to dance
around the issue. As I point out here and here, Planned Parenthood's web site at one time
claimed that the birth control pill can "prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the
uterus." Those sites have disappeared, and now Planned Parenthood cl
aims that "there is no proof" that "the pill works by keeping a fertilized egg from attaching
to the lining of the uterus."
But the folks at Planned Parenthood just can't seem to keep their story straight. The Herald-Times, quoting
a press release from PP on the "morning after pill", Planned Parenthood admits "But regular oral
contraceptives would prevent implantation" just as "emergency contraception" (or the "morning
after pill") would. Well, which is it? Can the birth control pill prevent implantation (thus
killing an embryo) or not? I suspect that Planned Parenthood knows the birth control pill
can result in the death of a newly-formed human being, and is intentionally trying to obscure the
facts. Some people who would otherwise use chemical birth control (and buy it from Planned
Parenthood) may not do so if educated on the facts.
Protecting life at its earliest stages goes beyond efforts to prevent babies from
being born and life can be destroyed by measures intended to create new life. It is not uncommon
for embryos created for the purposes of in vitro
fertilization. If we are to be consistent in defending all innocent human life from
fertilization to natural death, then we must also oppose any intentional destruction of embryos by
fertility clinics.
As we were tearing down the booth, a young Muslim couple dropped by and discussed
the issue of abortion with us, which got me thinking about America's blood guilt. Muslim
terrorists like Osama bin Laden call the United States the "Great Satan". Are we? Conservative
evangelicals love to call the United States a "Christian nation", but how can we call ourselves a
"Christian nation" when 1.2 million unborn children are butchered like animals in our "medical"
clinics? How long will a holy God be merciful to a nation many times more murderous than Nazi
Germany? We should be on our knees before our righteous God with two specific things. We should
thank Him for being merciful to our wicked nation and we should ask Him to remove the curse of
abortion from us.