Bloomington Herald-Times, October 13, 2008
To the editor:
While Mike Sodrel was our representative in Congress, he was busy working for Bloomington. Among his accomplishments:
- Sodrel secured $500,000 in federal matching funds for the expansion of Fullerton Pike.
- Sodrel secured $1.8 million for a Bloomington Transit park and ride program, an investment that especially relevant now given the price of gasoline.
- Sodrel secured $4 million for Bloomington Transit a few months before he secured the money for park and ride.
- Sodrel secured $1.35 million in funding for the IU Cyclotron Facility to develop a Free Electron Laser.
- Sodrel secured "$1.17 million for the chemistry department's Next Generation Threat Detection program, intended to develop methods for detecting chemical and biological warfare agents." (H-T, September 28, 2006)
Sodrel was asked about this on AM 1370 last month, when the host made the point that Bloomington is not an especially politically friendly place for him. Sodrel responded that "while you run as a Republican or a Democrat, you serve everyone in the district."
Mike Sodrel is truly "getting things done for us". I look forward to sending him back to Washington to continue to work for Bloomington and all of the Ninth District. Thanks Mike!
Scott Tibbs, Bloomington
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