ConservaTibbs.com archives: 1997-2002
Reaction to Lott's remarks both disproportionate and wrong -- December 17, 2002
Saddened by porn film -- Herald-Times, 11-26-2002
Women are more than just their bodies -- Hoosier Review, 11-26-2002
Just the facts, please -- Hoosier Review, 11-19-2002
Planned Parenthood's wrong approach on teen sex -- 11-13-2002
Julie Roberts for Mayor! -- Hoosier Review, 11-07-2002
John Fernandez approves funds for Planned Parenthood while abortions skyrocket -- Hoosier Review, 11-03-2002
Baron Hill's pro-abortion vote -- Herald-Times, 10-29-2002
Porn in the dorms evidence of deeper problem -- Hoosier Review, 10-28-2002
How can we proceed on School Choice? -- Hoosier Review, 10-21-2002
Just how "Green" are the "Green Democrats"? -- Hoosier Review, 10-13-2002
Monroe County politics neither "safe" nor "civil" -- Hoosier Review, 10-08-2002
Despite media grudges, Hostettler keeps moving along -- Hoosier Review, 09-23-2002
The Evansville Courier's "gotcha" campaign against John Hostettler -- Evansville Courier, 09-18-2002
Hospitals should protect life, not end it -- Hoosier Review, 09-15-2002
Good program, bad program -- Hoosier Review, 09-12-2002
Intimidating behavior denounced -- Herald-Times, 09-06-2002
Looking for truth in all the wrong places -- Hoosier Review, 08-27-2002
Environmentalists' behavior inexcusable at I-69 hearing -- Hoosier Review, 8-23-02
Conservtives defeat their own agenda by voiting Democratic -- Hoosier Review, 08-16-2002
Monroe County Taxpayers Association praised -- Herald-Times, 08-07-2002
Fiscal conservatives needed -- 8-01-2002
PETA's tactics disturbing -- 07-26-2002
Long past time for a ban on partial-birth aboriton -- Hoosier Review, 07-22-2002
Pedigo Bay arson ignites community debate -- Hoosier Review, 07-15-2002
"Green" activists make illogical comments at County Council meeting -- Hoosier Review, 07-12-2002
Blame, criticism unfair -- Herald-Times, 07-12-2002
City Council gives money to Planned Parenthood -- Hoosier Review, 06-30-2002
Vouchers invite government strings -- 06-28-2002
Facts missing in attack on Blattert -- 06-21-2002
There is no reason to force taxpayers to subsidize abortionists -- Hoosier Review, 06-18-2002
Funding for Planned Parenthood opposed -- Herald-Times, 06-18-2002
Bloomington United... against censorship -- Hoosier Review, 06-08-2002
Young men must be mindful of cancer -- Hoosier Review, 06-07-2002
"Animal rights" terrorism out of control -- Hoosier Review, 05-27-2002
Funding for abortion an ongoing debate -- Indiana Daily Student, 05-23-2002
Partisan politics do a disservice in the wake of 9/11 -- Indianapolis Star, 05-18-2002
Catholic Church must root out child molesters -- Hoosier Review, 05-18-2002
Say no to grant for Planned Parenthood -- Herald-Times, 05-14-2002
Don't give tax money to abortionists -- Hoosier Review, 05-05-2002
Freedom of conscience: how far should it go? -- Hoosier Review, 04-25-2002
House acts correctly in protecting parental rights -- Hoosier Review, 04-20-2002
More troubling questions about the IDS opinion page -- Hoosier Review, 04-17-2002
Conflict of interest apparent at IDS -- Indiana Daily Student, 04-11-2002
Conflict of interest noted -- Herald-Times, 04-02-2002
Conflict of interest at the IDS? -- Hoosier Review, 04-02-2002
"Choice for Men?" -- March 30, 2002
Hitting Baron Hill's record -- Herald-Times, 03-12-2002
Free speech, free thought and education under attack -- Enter Stage Right, 02-25-2002
Money IS Speech -- Patriot's corner, 02-16-2002
It's not your money! -- Hoosier Review, 02-10-2002
Fernandez media packets irresponsible -- Herald-Times, 02-08-2002
Enron no excuse for attacking freedom -- Enter Stage Right, 02-04-2002
Demonizing Christians: the Left's new political strategy? -- 01-19-2002
Don't use enron for scandal-mongering -- 01-14-2002
Roe decision was sad day for human life -- Indianapolis Star -- 01-14-2002
Now is not the time to raise state taxes -- Indianapolis Star, 12-06-2001
Grab your wallet and run! -- Hoosier Project, 12-02-2001
Just say no to cloning -- 12-02-2001
Cloning violates human rights -- 11-29-2001
No welfare for politicians -- 11-26-2001
Anti-terrorism law threatens civil liberties -- Herald-Times, 11-18-2001
Balancing the budget on the backs of the poor -- Hoosier Project, 11-10-2001
Proceed on tax reform, but with caution -- Hoosier Project, 10-21-2001
A nation at War -- October 18, 2001
Anthrax hoaxes are not a pro-life activity -- 10-17-2001
Genocide Awareness Project's message will open eyes -- Herald-Times, October 5, 2001
Divisive words hurt unity efforts -- USA Today, 9-21-2001
City pours tax money down the drain -- Hoosier Review, 09-08-2001
Not encouraged by responses to Build Indiana violations -- Herald-Times, 9-7-2001
Legislative arrogance knows no bounds -- Hoosier Project, 9-3-2001
O'Bannon just can't get it right on the BIF -- Hoosier Project, 8-19-2001
Bush creafts a wise compromise -- Conservachicks.com, 8-11-2001
It's the people's money! -- Herald-Times, 8-9-2001
Irresponsible budgetary policy falls hard on Indiana nurses -- Hoosier Project, 8-02-2001
Misuse of Build indiana Fund continues -- Hoosier Project, 7-23-2001
Beware of faith-based plan's pitfalls -- Indianapolis Star, 7-17-2001
Stem cell research not acceptable -- Hoosier Project, 7-16-2001
Pro-abortion, not pro-choice -- Herald-Times, 7-16-2001
There's just too much speech out there! -- Hoosier Project, 7-10-2001
'IDS' errs in not covering Planned Parenthood issue -- Indiana Daily Student, 7-09-2001
Pro-life Hoosiers should not be forced to subsidize abortions -- Hoosier Project, 7-1-2001
Is anybody minding the store? -- Hoosier Project, 6-28-2001
Should the property tax system be abolished? -- Hoosier Project, 6-21-2001
O'Bannon's plane purchase shows irresponsibility -- Hoosier Project, 6-19-2001
Speaker Gregg has not led -- Herald-Times, 6-14-2001
Grow Up. -- Speech to Bloomington City Council, 6-13-2001
Tax-free bonds opposed -- Speech to Monroe County Council, 6-12-2001
Pharmacist's Conscience bill needed -- Hoosier Project, 6-11-2001
Failed Leadership -- Hoosier Project, 5-22-2001
A Stalinist Response -- Herald-Times, 5-1-2001
Horowitz has a right to speak -- 4-24-2001
A clear conscience for dispensing drugs -- Bloomington Independent, 4-12-2001
"Hate crime" laws: a dangerous step toward totalitarianism -- 4-4-2001
Let homeowners decide -- Herald-Times, 2-23-2001
Bush treading on dangerous ground with faith-based charity idea -- 2-21-2001
Increase the size of the U.S. House of Representatives -- 01-22-2001
The First Amendment is not a cash cow -- 01-22-2001
Add Congressmen -- USA Today, 01-08-2001
Stand against terror -- Herald-Times, 12-15-2000
Campaign funds questioned -- Herald-Times, 10-20-2000
Scott will reintroduce academic rigor -- Indiana Daily Student, 10-17-2000
The need for a coherent energy policy -- Enter Stage Right, 10-02-2000
Free speech ends at Sample Gates -- Indiana Daily Student, 08-31-2000
City silliness on signs -- Herald-Times, 08-24-2000
Perry's health care plan unwise -- Herald-Times, 07-26-2000
Enviro-terrorism must be stopped -- Enter Stage Right, 07-10-2000
The right not to be offended? -- Enter Stage Right, 06-26-2000
A victory, for now -- Herald-Times, 06-20-2000
Terrorism not acceptable -- Herald-Times, 05-23-2000
I am ashamed to be an IU alumnus -- Enter Stage Right, 04-24-2000
Abortion is a human tragedy -- Printed in the Herald-Times, April 16, 2000
Theft is not free speech -- Enter Stage Right, 04-03-2000
Clinton doesn't miss a beat -- Enter Stage Right, 03-20-2000
Offended by School Board -- Herald-Times, 02-27-00
Gore's lies make him unfit for office -- January 30, 2000
Dover Amendment not unconstitutional -- 01-01-2000
Smoking bans a violation of rights -- 01-01-2000
Say No to Minimum Lot Requirement -- Herald-Times, 12-29-1999
Free speech must never be restricted -- Indiana Daily Student, 12-08-1999
A Democratic landslide? Hardly. -- November 6, 1999.
A "new isolationism"? -- October 20, 1999
H-T's integrity questioned -- Herald-Times, 10-08-1999
You don't have a right to my money -- October 2, 1999
Tax referendum demands voters’ attention -- Indiana Daily Student, 09-29-1999
Buchanan's foolish flirtations -- USA Today, 09-22-1999
Proposed admissions standards are anti-freedom -- September 20, 1999
Benjamin Smith’s legacy: less freedom? -- September 1, 1999
Too much taxation -- Herald-Times, 08-30-1999
School system should prove need for money -- Indiana Daily Student, 07-26-1999
City spin and distortions fail to cover up bad policy -- 06-23-1999
Fire safety is not partisan -- Herald-Times, 06-22-1999
Don't subsidize abortionists -- Letter to the Bloomington City Council, June 1, 1999
A reasonable compromise on school prayer -- 06-01-1999
Questions linger after fatal Knightridge fire -- Indiana Daily Student, 05-27-1999
Fairness not ensured without a watchdog -- Indiana Daily Student, 04-13-1999
Kosovo operation opposed -- Journal-Gazette, 04-08-1999
Medical Marijuana: Legitimate issue or Trojan Horse? -- Hoosier Review, 04-04-1999
Automobile confiscation bad policy -- Hoosier Review, 03-08-1999
Abortion debate not pointless -- Indiana Daily Student, 02-25-1999
Can someone be libertarian and pro-life? -- 02-07-1999
Souder a good conservative -- Journal-Gazette, 02-05-1999
Is NARAL pro-choice or pro-abortion? -- Hoosier Review, -- 01-25-1999
GOP problems not deep -- Herald-Times, 01-06-1999
GOP showed courage in impeachment vote -- December 22, 1998
Assisted suicide cheapens life -- Hoosier Review, 12-14-1998
Tobacco deal un-American -- Hoosier Review, 11-29-1998
Free speech must not be trampled -- Hoosier Review, 11-15-1998
IUPUI research would be good choice for surplus -- Indiana Daily Student, 11-11-1998
America deserves a tax cut -- Hoosier Review, 11-02-1998
Slepian shooting does not represent pro-life Americans -- 10-29-1998
Enforce current laws, hate crime laws not needed -- Herald-Times, 10-23-1998
Isolationism: the key to American foreign policy -- Hoosier Review, October 18, 1998
Sink-Burris is the choice in Senate race -- Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, 10-15-1998
Realism needed in political activism -- Hoosier Review, October 4, 1998
Clinton smears himself -- September 24, 1998
fictional response -- Herald-Times, 09-14-1998
Stop bashing Ken Starr -- Hoosier Review, 09-09-1998
It's time to impeach the President -- Journal-Gazette, 08-20-1998
White Nationalists deserve free speech too -- Indiana Daily Student, 06-29-1998
Tibbs in 2000 -- Hoosier Review, May 3, 1998
Can the culture of death be fixed? -- Indiana Daily Student, April 13, 1998
Refuting the distortions -- March 24, 1998
Point missed -- Herald-Times, 03-16-1998
Legalize marijuana -- Indiana Daily Student, March 09, 1998
Hostettler for the people -- Indiana Daily Student, March 03, 1998
Research must proceed -- Hoosier Review, 03-01-1998
Vivisection not immoral -- Indiana Daily Student, February 24, 1998
ADL ignores the truth again -- Indiana Daily Student, February 09, 1998
Clinton caught with his pants down -- Indiana Daily Student, February 02, 1998
Even unpopular views deserve protection -- Indiana Daily Student, January 26, 1998
Corrections needed -- Herald-Times, 01-26-1998
Combatting hate crimes -- Indiana Daily Student, January 10, 1998
Don't ease up on Iran -- Indiana Daily Student, December 01, 1997
Experiments on rats both useful and humane -- Indiana Daily Student, November 17, 1997
Killing civil disobedience -- Indiana Daily Student, November 10, 1997
Save some outrage for unborn children -- Indiana Daily Student, November 03, 1997
Permanent Iraqi entanglement unacceptable -- Indiana Daily Student, October 27, 1997
Concerned Women for America rallies to close the Kinsey Institute -- October 26, 1997
NASA must not bow to anti-nuke forces -- Indiana Daily Student, October 20, 1997
More uncertainty in Bosnia -- Indiana Daily Student, October 13, 1997