Scott Tibbs
Democrats in county government are arrogant and greedy
Printed in the Herald-Times, October 4, 2020
To the Editor:
A few years ago, when the county commissioners each wanted an annual $11,000 raise, the county council voted no. One of those councilors who opposed that raise is now a county commissioner, and she has joined the other two commissioners to ask for a $25,000 raise for each commissioner. See for the article.
This is happening during a global pandemic where people are losing their jobs and businesses are closing. The three county commissioners (all Democrats) want a raise while county tax dollars have dropped sharply due to the pandemic.
The Democrats say that the pay is too low to attract people to run. Well, you knew the salary when you ran for commissioner.
One way to reduce the time commitment during daytime hours is to hold commissioner meetings in the evening, when city council and county council meetings already take place. That has been consistently rejected by the Democrats in power.
Enough is enough. One party dominance has made the Democrats arrogant and greedy. We need another watchdog on the county council who will stand up for taxpayers against this kind of wasteful spending and greed. We need to elect Jim Allen to the Monroe County Council.
Scott Tibbs.
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