By Scott Tibbs, September 8, 2017
What happened at the now-infamous cheerleading practice at East High School in Denver was child abuse, but it was more than that. It was an example of rape culture. It was an example of an adult man deciding that a teenage girl's body was his to use and abuse as he pleases. He was to mold her to do what he wanted, no matter how much physical pain it caused. Her protests were irrelevant. Her body did not belong to her, in the mind of the coach. The bodies of those teen girls, the coach believed, belong to him.
With role models like these,it is no wonder so many men feel entitled to use a woman's body sexually, no matter what she wants or whether she consents. This is even more strongly reinforced when the authority figures are paid by the state. Teen boys and young men have been taught this behavior by their culture and by the perverts who are supposed to teach them right from wrong.
The image of a grown man abusing teenage girls is teaching the boys not to value their female classmates. The fact that this fool was hired after he was fired for similar behavior elsewhere shows how little the school cares about its female students, and reinforces rape culture.
An aside is important here. Sports is a tough issue. (With the jumps and flips they do, if modern cheerleading is not a sport, cheerleaders are certainly athletes.) Coaches need to push the athletes farther than the athletes think they can go, to make them better than they think they can be. This applies in every area of life, of course. It applies to academics and other disciplines.
When training athletes, a good coach will be physically demanding and it will involve physical pain and exhaustion. I was never much of an athlete, but I was in physical education for twelve years and I still remember how incredibly sore I was after I did a Super 21 for the first time.
There is a line, though, where it goes beyond pushing an athlete and becomes abuse. This was very clearly abuse and must be criminally prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Pushing an athlete to go past his physical limitations is one thing. Holding down a teenage girl in an unnatural position - especially to the point where she is screaming in pain and in danger of serious injury - is absolutely abuse.
This was not coaching. This was sadism.
While Biblical masculinity cherishes and protects and leads women, godless toxic masculinity places men as rulers and women as less than human. They are bodies to be used. The sexual revolution, which degraded sexual intimacy from a loving union to a bodily function on the level of defecation, is bearing fruit here. If we want to stop this from happening, what we need here is a revival of Biblical masculinity.