By Scott Tibbs, February 27, 2012
"Many people think sex is just about vaginal or anal intercourse. But there are lots of different ways to have sex and lots of different types of sex." - from a Planned Parenthood pamphlet distributed at a panel conducted by the Girl Scouts, after "all non-Scout adults were kicked out of the room, which was packed with adolescent girls."
Does that sound shocking? It should. Nancy Pelosi, minority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives, said that Planned Parenthood's relationship with the Girl Scouts was "very valuable" at a reception to honor the Girl Scouts, yet when a Republican state representative from Fort Wayne criticizes the Girl Scouts' relationship with Planned Parenthood, he is labeled a wacko and accused of lying. Was Pelosi lying?
But it doesn't end there. Girl Scouts' CEO Cathy Cloninger admitted that the Girl Scouts works with many organizations, including Planned Parenthood, "to bring information-based sex education programs to girls." The connections between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood were in the news back in 2004, when reported that of 315 councils surveyed, "17 councils reported having a relationship with Planned Parenthood and its affiliates, and 49 reported they do not. The other 249 refused to disclose any relationship."
State Representative Bob Morris of Fort Wayne was exactly right to raise serious concerns about the partnership between Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood, and the efforts by Planned Parenthood to sexualize young girls.
The relationship between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood becomes more ominous when you consider that Planned Parenthood used tax money given to them by the Bloomington City Council and Monroe County Council to distribute birth control to girls as young as 13 years old. It is a felony in the state of Indiana for anyone to have sexual contact with someone 13 or younger, and pregnancy is prima facie evidence that a felony has taken place. Planned Parenthood and the Monroe County Democratic Party, then, are helping cover up felony sexual abuse.
It isn't surprising that Leftists have jumped on the controversy. Senator Vi Simpson (D-Bloomington) whined in a fundraising email last week that Morris' criticism will not create a single job for Hoosiers. Let's not forget that Morris was reacting to a meaningless resolution, and that resolution will not create a single job either. Why not criticize spending time on a resolution that could be spent on efforts to stimulate the economy?
Attacks from the Left should be expected. Morris should not expect to be betrayed by his own caucus, including House Speaker Brian Bosma, who passed out Girl Scout cookies and mocked Morris. This is simply unacceptable. Bosma could have privately rebuked Morris if he disagreed, or Bosma could have publicly expressed disagreement in a rational manner. The Republican Speaker of the House should not be openly mocking and ridiculing a Republican legislator to curry favor with Democrats. Bosma should apologize for his behavior.
Morris took a courageous and unpopular stand that drew a cascade of attacks from the news media, Democrats, Planned Parenthood and even his fellow "Republicans" in the legislature. He should be praised for taking this stand and bringing the Girl Scouts' disturbing alliance with Planned Parenthood to the attention of Hoosiers.