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No handouts for Planned Parenthood

Printed in the Herald-Times, May 18, 2011

To the editor:

Planned Parenthood of Indiana reported $8,433,018 in total operating revenue for this fiscal year through February 17. PP also reported 8,145,847 in total operating expenses through the same period.

The national organization and all affiliates combined for over $1.1 billion (with a B) in revenue in the most recent fiscal report on PP's website. Once again, PP's revenue exceeded its expenses, this time by $63.4 million.

Now Planned Parenthood is coming before the Bloomington City Council for yet another handout. This is ridiculous. This request - and the city council's inevitable decision to approve the request - has nothing to do with need. Planned Parenthood wants a political endorsement from city government, and the Democrats are happy to provide that endorsement.

We hear every year about helping social service agencies in need. This is a fraud. If this was about need, Planned Parenthood would not get one penny from city government.

It is shameful that the social services funding process has become so corrupted that tax money entrusted to our elected officials is used in such a recklessly irresponsible manner. I have a message for the Democrats who approve this abomination every June. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Scott Tibbs.